MoF notification #121-1 dated 15 Jan. 2025-Deadlines to send a request letter for inventory revaluation and clarifications

التنصّل من المسؤولية في ظل الأزمة المالية… وواجب مكافحة الإفلات من العقاب

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MoF notification #121-1 dated 15 Jan. 2025-Deadlines to send a request letter for inventory revaluation and clarifications

اللامركزية الإدارية الموسّعة وإصلاح النظام الضريبي: تكثيف الإيرادات بحالة الإنماء المتوازن / الدكتور وليد وهيب الشعّار .- بيروت : منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية، 2022

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أثبتت التجارب العمليّة للدول أن لا فرصة حقيقيّة لنجاح أي نظام حكم لامركزي إلاّ من خلال تأمين تمويل مستقلّ للوحدات اللامركزية، وأنّ تحقيق الإنماء المتوازن يحتاج نظاماً يؤمّن التوزيع العادل للثروة الوطنية ويحافظ على أعلى مستوى ممكن من العدالة الضريبية. تمحور هذا الكتاب حول تطبيق اللامركزية الإدارية الموسّعة بالتزامن مع تعديل النظام الضريبي بهدف تمويلها، ما قد يساهم فـي تعزيز الإيرادات الضريبية للسلطة المركزية وللسلطات المحلّية المستقلّة، والإقتراب من العدالة الضريبية والإجتماعية. يعرض الكتاب أيضاً لتجارب مجموعة من الدول الغربية والعربية فـي مجال تطبيق اللامركزية الإدارية، وطرائق تمويلها، والأنظمة الضريبية التي اعتمدت عليها بغية تأمين هذا التمويل، فـي محاولة للاستفادة من هذه التجارب، وخلص إلى تقديم توصيات يمكن أن تُشكّل خريطة طريق لتطبيق اللامركزية الإدارية الموسّعة فـي لبنان، وتطوير نظامه الضريبي، وتعزيز الإنماء المتوازن.

تستقبل المكتبة المالية جميع الزوار من الإثنين حتى الخميس من الساعة 8:30 صباحاً حتى 3:30 من بعد الظهر.

نحن بإنتظاركم في مقر معهد باسل فليحان، كورنيش النهر، الطابق الرابع.

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MoF notification #121-1 dated 15 Jan. 2025-Deadlines to send a request letter for inventory revaluation and clarifications

Law #328 on Suspension of legal deadlines & Law #330 on Exceptional Revaluation of Assets

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The parliament has passed on Thursday 28th November 2024 the Law #330 on the Exceptional Revaluation of Fixed Assets, Inventory and Foreign Exchange adjustment of the LBP Devaluation effect on receivables, payables and cash & bank accounts till the 31st December 2026, along with the Law #328 that Suspended the legal obligations and deadlines (copy attached), including tax deadlines, from the 8th October 2023 till the 31st March 2025 (similar to the Law enacted during the Covid and Beirut Port explosion period). The latter will further add one year and a half on the tax prescription period.

These two Laws have been published in the Official Gazette #49 (Appendix 2) on Thursday 5th December 2024 and should be effective from the date of the application decrees that are under preparation. In the meantime, we will give you a summary on the main components of this exceptional revaluation law.

The Law #330 on the Exceptional Revaluation of Fixed Assets, Inventory and Foreign Exchange adjustment of the LBP Devaluation effect on receivables, payables and cash & bank accounts (copy attached) has two main sections:

–          First section amending the article 45 of the Decree #144/59 (Income Tax Law) related to the Revaluation of Fixed Assets. According to the amendments of this Law, taxpayers are exceptionally allowed to revalue their fixed assets every year (instead of every 5 years) starting from the end of the year 2023 till the 31st December 2026. If the revaluation of the fixed assets exceeds the acquisition cost in the currency it was initially purchased or its net book value after depreciation, the revaluation variance is subject to 15% capital gain tax, unless it is kept in an independent account in both the assets and liabilities (i.e. not affected to the related revalued assets and depreciated) or used to cover accumulated losses. Individuals of not for profit organizations undertaking such revaluation are exceptionally subject to only 1% capital gain tax until 31st December 2026 [according to the article 86 of the Budget Law #324 of the year 2024].

–          Second section covering the Foreign Exchange adjustment of the LBP Devaluation effect on Fixed Assets, Inventory and other balance sheet items:

o   Fixed Assets: Companies and taxpayers subject to real profit (including those who have already undertaken previous revaluations) have the option to revalue their fixed assets (Properties, Plants and Equipment as well as Financial assets such as equity participations in subsidiaries and affiliates) every year starting from the end of the year 2022 till the 31st December 2026 to adjust the effect of the devaluation of the Lebanese Pound (LBP) on the value of these assets, provided that the revalued amount doesn’t exceed the market fair value of this asset [i.e. contrary to the first section of this law, the revalued asset should not exceed its acquisition cost in the currency it was initially purchased). The revaluation of real estate properties should be done through a sworn real estate expert while the remaining fixed assets can be revalued by an auditor member of the LACPA. The revaluation should be submitted to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for approval, partial amendment or refusal. The MoF has one year to reply, otherwise the revaluation will be considered tacitly accepted. The revaluation variances resulting from this Exceptional Revaluation are not subject to tax and they can be used either to cover accumulated losses, increase the capital of the company or distributed as dividends. The distribution as dividends of these revaluation variances is subject to 10% distribution tax if done within 5 years from the revaluation process and is exempted from this distribution tax if done after the period of 5 years. The totally depreciated fixed assets subject to revaluation cannot be further depreciated while the revalued amount of assets with a residual net book value can be depreciated over the residual useful life of this asset.

o   Inventory: Companies and taxpayers subject to real profit (including those who have already undertaken previous revaluations) have the option to revalue their inventory every year starting from the year 2022 till the 31st December 2026 to adjust the effect of the devaluation of the Lebanese Pound (LBP) on the value of the inventory. The request for revaluating the inventory of the year 2023 should be submitted to the MoF within 2 months from the application date of this Law and one month after the closing date for the following years. The revaluation of inventory should be done through an auditor member of the LACPA. The MoF has one year to reply, otherwise, the revaluation will be considered tacitly accepted. The inventory should be revalued based on its cost in the currency it was initially purchased and the Effective Exchange rate at the end of the related year. The revaluation variance [in LBP] is added to the inventory from one side and is recorded in a separate equity account from the other side. The taxpayer should make available to the MoF a list of supporting documents mentioned in the Law together with a statement showing the initial cost of the inventory items and the revaluated value accepted by the MoF. The revaluation variances resulting from this Exceptional Revaluation are not subject to tax and they can be used either to cover accumulated losses, increase the capital of the company or distributed as dividends. The distribution as dividends of these revaluation variances is subject to 10% distribution tax if done within 5 years from the revaluation process and is exempted from this distribution tax if done after the period of 5 years. The taxpayers who didn’t file for their income tax returns for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 are not allowed to benefit from this exceptional revaluation. The taxpayers, who recorded their transactions related to inventory at an exchange rate different from the Effective Exchange rate and recorded the related differences of exchange in their P&L account, have the obligation to adjust their accounting records at the Effective Exchange rate and adjust their income tax declarations for the related years before submitting a request for an exceptional revaluation of their inventory.

o   Adjustment of the LBP devaluation effect on receivables, payables and cash & bank accounts: Companies and taxpayers holding accounting books have the obligation to adjust their accounting books to correct the effect of the LBP devaluation starting from the end of the year 2022 till the 31st December 2026 by applying the Exchange rate adopted by the Central Bank (BDL) at the end of each year on the class 4 and 5 accounts (i.e. receivables, payables and cash & bank accounts). Positive and negative differences of exchange resulting from this adjustment [i.e. the difference between the BDL-adopted exchange rate and the rate previously used by the taxpayer] should be excluded from the taxable income, excluding the differences of exchange related to salaries.

We are waiting for the application Decree of this Exceptional Revaluation Law to give you more details on its application.

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MoF notification #121-1 dated 15 Jan. 2025-Deadlines to send a request letter for inventory revaluation and clarifications

MoF clarification on the conditions to benefit from 75% tax discount on export profits

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The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has recently replied to a request from the LACPA (Lebanese Association of Certified Public Accountants) for clarifications on the conditions for a Lebanese industrial company to benefit from 75% tax discount on the profit of its export sales according to the article 23 of the Budget Law of the year 2022.

 According to the article 23 of the Budget Law of the year 2022 (Law #10), profits generated from the export of Lebanese manufactured products by industrial companies will benefit from 75% discount on the related income tax if the proceeds of such export are transferred back to banks operating in Lebanon and reinvested in Lebanon or used in total for the purpose of its industrial activity in Lebanon. Industrial companies that meet these conditions can benefit from this increased tax discount rate (from 50% to 75%) for five years starting from the year of the publication of this Law (i.e. until the fiscal year 2026).

 In its recent reply to the LACPA dated 12th November 2024 (attached a scanned copy of this letter with the reference #622/S2), the MoF has clarified the condition related to the transfer of the export proceeds to “banks operating in Lebanon” whereby it allows the industrial companies to use bank accounts opened in foreign countries to satisfy the other condition of using the proceeds of their export sales in total to purchase goods or equipment for the purpose of their industrial activity in Lebanon, within a short period of time that does not exceed a year.

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MoF notification #121-1 dated 15 Jan. 2025-Deadlines to send a request letter for inventory revaluation and clarifications

MoF decisions for extension of Q3 2024 VAT & Non-resident tax filling deadlines

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The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has issued on the 5th November 2024 two decisions (attached scanned copies) extending tax filing deadlines as follows:

1)      MoF decision #1136/1: Extension of the deadline for the VAT declaration of the 3rd quarter of the year 2024 and the payment of the related tax until the 29th November 2024 (inclusive).

2)      MoF decision #1137/1: Extension of the deadline for the Non-resident tax declaration of the 3rd quarter of the year 2024 and the payment of the related tax until the 29th November 2024 (inclusive).

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MoF notification #121-1 dated 15 Jan. 2025-Deadlines to send a request letter for inventory revaluation and clarifications

MoF decisions #1122/1 dated 30 Oct 2024 for extension of several tax filling deadlines till 29 Nov 2024

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The Ministry of Finance (MoF) has issued on the 30th October 2024 the decision #1122/1 (attached a scanned copy) extending the following tax filing deadlines (previously extended till end of October 2024 by the MoF decisions #990, 991 and 959) till the 29th November 2024:

1)      Further extension of the deadline for the filing and the payment of the Corporate Income Tax and the related Ultimate Beneficiary Owner (UBO) declaration of the fiscal year 2023.

2)      Further extension of the deadline for the filling of the annual declaration forms (including the UBO M18 form) for the year 2023 for taxpayers subject to income tax based on the lump sum regime (deemed profit basis) and institutions who are exempt from income tax (including associations and NGOs) and adopting the cash basis of accounting and the payment of the related tax as well as for submitting the annual non-resident tax (G5 form) due as per article 41 and 42 of the income tax law.

3)      Further extension of the deadline for the filling of the annual declaration forms (including the UBO M18 form) for the year 2023 for taxpayers subject to tax on a real profit basis (sole proprietorships, partnerships and institutions who are exempted from income tax and adopting the accrual basis of accounting) and the payment of the related tax as well as for submitting the annual non-resident tax (G5 form) due as per article 41 and 42 of the income tax law.

4)      Further extension of the deadline for the Tax on Sayrafa profits (article 93 of the 2024 budget law) filling and the payment of the related due tax.

5)      Further extension of the deadline for the Non-resident tax declaration of the 2nd quarter of the year 2024 and the payment of the related tax.

6)      Further extension of the deadline for the tax declaration of multiplace taxpayers (R8) of the year 2023 and the payment of the related due tax.

7)      Further extension of the deadline for the annual tax on salaries declarations (R5,R6,R7) of the year 2023 and the payment of the related due tax.

8)      Further extension of the deadline for the Tax on salaries declarations of the 1st and 2nd quarters of the year 2024 and the payment of the related tax, knowing that the deadline for the Tax on salaries declaration of the 3rd quarter of the year 2024 was already extended by the MoF decision #959 till the 29th November 2024.

This decision also extended the deadline for the filing and the payment of the Corporate Income Tax and the related Ultimate Beneficiary Owner (UBO) declaration of the fiscal year 2023 for the companies that adopted a special fiscal year ending on the 31st October 2024 till the 29th November 2024.

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